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How to handle the incoming air of the industrial chiller systems?

News 2610

  How to handle the incoming air of the industrial chiller systems?

  Firstly, let’s understand the reason why the refrigeration system enters the air. Generally speaking, there are two main possibilities for entering the air.

  One is that the water system leaks or the pipe joints are loose, which may cause air to enter the water system.

  The second is the pressure imbalance in the refrigeration system, such as gas leakage on the low-pressure side, which can cause a negative pressure state in the system and attract air into the refrigeration system.

  Regardless of the situation, it will cause air to enter the refrigeration system, thereby affecting its normal operation.

  So, how should we eliminate the air in the refrigeration system? Firstly, it is necessary to confirm the location and amount of air entering the refrigeration system, check whether the pipeline connection of the water system is loose or leaking, and if so, repair it.

  Secondly, check the pressure balance and refrigerant type in the refrigeration system. For pressure imbalance on the low-pressure side, maintenance should be carried out according to pressure specifications. If the type of refrigerant is not suitable, it is easy to experience poor cooling performance in high-temperature environments, and the refrigerant needs to be replaced.

  In addition, atmospheric pressure vents can be added to the refrigeration system to regularly evacuate gas and detect air in a timely manner under system pressure. In addition, before starting the refrigeration system, it is also necessary to conduct a comprehensive inspection and maintenance to ensure the normal operation of the system.

  In summary, it is possible for air to enter the refrigeration system, but as long as we pay attention to maintenance and standardized operations, this problem can be avoided or solved, ensuring the normal use and maintenance of the refrigeration system.

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